Here’s what you’ll need:
- A leftover San Jalisco carnitas wet burrito
- Bread
- Mayo
- Mustard
- Cheez-Its (optional)
Here’s what a leftover San Jalisco carnitas wet burrito looks like:
First, put mayo and mustard on two slices of bread, like this:
Second, cut slices of the now-congealed burrito the way you would slices of meatloaf for a meatloaf sandwich:
Pop those suckers on the bread, along with some greens that are probably also in your leftovers container:
Put the top on, cut that baby in half, garnish with Cheez-Its, and voila, lunch:
Naw, I’d just squish it between two plates, microwave it for a minute or two, remove the top plate (scrape it off!), and top with a couple of fried eggs — yolks still runny.
Don’t got a microwave
Aw maaan… you’re bumming me out. Everybody needs a microwave! There must be some kind of science-y reason why people can’t carry around little lunch-box-sized ones, seeing as how they already got their Dick Tracy mini phones, TVs and computers.
a decent sandwich..if you’ld leave the burrito off!
Frickin’ nasty dude….nasty!
Do what all the real Yolos do and just toss it in a pan with an egg or two! Instant chilaquiles! Bunch of bimbums!
It was one of those 90-degree days, I didn’t wanna make any more heat
Two things Allan. 1 It hasn’t been 90 since the end of April. 2 Your colon and toilet must both hate you.