Toddler carrying mannequin legs down Valencia

While not quite as mesmerizing as Helen’s iconic “Toddler dragging a saw,” this little guy’s still got loads of panache.  Let’s just hope that he doesn’t settle for Nizario’s cardboard fare and instead treks just a few doors down to Arinell so he can enjoy the best slice of pizza in the city.

UPDATE!!! Helen is way better at headlines than me.  Here’s her glorious take on the situation:

“Toddler dragging saw grows up, saws off some woman’s legs”

[Photo by Zach]

8 Responses to “Toddler carrying mannequin legs down Valencia”

  1. todd says:

    the kid looks older than a toddler.

  2. Art school student says:


  3. Greg says:

    This is how the Night Stalker got his start.

    • fucking richard ramirez. why did he have to pick a summer heatwave to go on his murderous rampage? did he even realize how shitty it would be for all of us hiding in our houses at night with the doors locked and the windows sealed shut, trapping in all that unbearable heat???

  4. Brandon Cruz says:

    A toddler is hella younger than that kid and they ‘toddle’ along. That kid’s got swag already.

  5. Black Dahlia killer found at last!