This sounds awesome!
comics will cut out most of their bullshit act and leave you with the joke/jokes they keep closest to their hearts- their closers. Jam packed with their own personal favorites, old faithfuls and maybe even some new tricks, I’ll Leave You With This will teach these comics their ABCs- ALWAYS. BE. CLOSING.
Get advance tickets here.
(And, obviously we don’t want longtime local businesses to always be closing, so support Lost Weekend and Cinecave and Cynic Cave whenever possible.)
What is the capacity of the Cinecave? 25?
So they take in $250, and sell a few boxes of Milk Duds for $20. What percentage do the performers get? What about the staff? Utilities/rent?
The outlook is bleak. We’ll probably see another restaurant in that space by next year unless there’s a neighborhood rush to rent DVDs.
Dear JD, why is that comment necessary? Either come to the show or not, it’s up to you.
Personally, the Cinecave (more specifically the Cynic Cave) has been a home to me over the last year. I’ve seen more amazing comedy than I could’ve imagined in my wildest dreams. My personal hope is, the more people know about it, the more likely it is someone would like to co-tenant with Lost Weekend so we can keep the store and space open. Support can mean so much more than just money.
Also, it’s a fun show, and the more people that show up, the better it is for everyone involved.
-Jane Harrison