Do you still belong here?

[via The Fogbender]

13 Responses to “Do you still belong here?”

  1. Greg says:


  2. Joe Shlabotnik says:

    Praise Allah (pbuh) I’m grandfathered in.

  3. Joe Shlabotnik says:

    Couldn’t live over there. I’m happily ensconced on the border of Noe and the Mission.

  4. Leary says:

    That takes on a different meaning when you insider the bridge’s reputation as a suicide site.

    • Herr Doktor Professor Deth Vegetable says:

      Good point! I hadn’t thought of that, but that actually makes it much more interesting.

  5. Brandon says:

    It seems like I could belong here for a bit longer, if I could have family closer by.

  6. Adele Songs says:

    I love this picture it is pretty!

  7. chalkman says:

    if you have to ask, then you don’t…

  8. HRod says:

    My parents had the good sense of birthing and raising me here, so yeah–I still belong here.