2 Culture Sportscasters

In the comments section of last week’s post about a Valencia Street boutique offering a “punk princess” interior design for your toddler’s room, commenter Sean began a comment thusly:

I’ve lived in the neighborhood on and off since ’99. [link]

To which a new voice known as 2 Culture Sportscasters delivered the following analysis:

“He’s gone in with 99, that’s a strong date there, good opening, good opening.”

“Yes, 99 is a real strong date, going to be hard to complete with that, Paul, but he could get in trouble there, 99 during the first boom and all”

“That’s true, that’s true, but many of the other competitors probably don’t have a good hold on when that first boom was happening, remember the Pets.com ad didn’t appear until 2000, that would’ve been many of these other sportsmen’s first exposure to dot-com, and that’s a full year after 99″

“You’re right, you’re right, but he’s also got the on and off, that’s open to question, of course”

“I think that’s close enough, these other guys probably have a number so far past 99 that on and off isn’t going to make any difference here, but we’ll see”

“Yes, we’ll see, we’ll see! Well, it’s a great opener so far! A great day here, and can I just say the weather is gorgeous? You can’t beat that early October!”

So, yeah, there is good stuff in the comments section. Occasionally.

3 Responses to “2 Culture Sportscasters”

  1. dave says:


    You people don’t know what you have here.

  2. commendable says:

    Only the most obnoxious people leave comments

  3. uncommendable says:

    Does that means it is commendable to be obnoxious?