The matches-on-your-nipples trick, which we learned about three years back in an interview with Craig Stoll about Delfina and Locanda, has even more Mission roots than we realized. Blue Plate owner Jeff Trenam tells the story to Eater SF:
Among the photographs that have adorned the walls in Blue Plate’s bathroom over the last fourteen years is a black-and-white photo by Dave Schubert titled “Maria’s Trick.” It shows a young woman, “Maria,” standing on a toilet in the old Treat Street Bar with her shirt lifted and two lit matchsticks propped up on her nipples. This photograph has been stolen out of the bathroom nearly a dozen times (each time replaced by the photographer), with the thieves even dismantling frames locked to the wall to get at the racy snapshot. I swore it must have been on some kind of fraternity scavenger hunt. Recently, a nameless guest returned with the first print ever stolen.
Read on for the heartwarming conclusion.
The mission is too square for this to ever happen in a public place again. we need another recession.
it’s all about office workers. boring and predictable.
I was there for that picture.
wasnt that picture also in vice magazine years and years ago?