Cool ad for Red Stripe

UPDATE: Photo removed at the request of the gal in the photo :(

29 Responses to “Cool ad for Red Stripe”

  1. just another dude says:

    that girl is stacked!

  2. scum says:

    I always store my beer on a sturdy rack.

  3. Soonerdiver says:

    Ain’t ‘magic glue’ wonderful?

  4. Jon says:


  5. BlackSharpiePen says:

    Is there a correlating ad of a guy with a bottle of Red Stripe nestled in his scantily clad, ample nut sack?

  6. sfnola says:

    I’m suddenly dying for a Red Stripe.

  7. hater says:

    This is the best thing I’ve ever seen on this blog!

  8. doggyballs says:

    I just want to lick her stomach while she drinks beer

  9. Dude! says:

    Ewwww, that belly button!

    That is where we are supposed to be looking, right?

  10. LetMeIn says:

    I’d buy that for a dollar!

  11. some dude says:

    those boobs are definitely 100% fake
    (i know because i’ve touched them)

  12. just a normal sf chic says:

    I think she’s beautiful and who gives a damn if get Bob’s are fake. She’s enjoying the sun and having a good day. Relax, people

  13. Nickynick says:

    Her breast are real. I know bc she’s a close friend. Haters gonna hate.

  14. ryan says:

    good luck getting that off the internet. maybe delete post too?

  15. ALWAYS HIGH says:


  16. DP Perv says:

    hey, none of those links work!

  17. William Preston says:
