Nacho talk

SFist editor Brock Keeling wants to talk about nachos:

[W]hy weren’t nachos the thing to eat in 2012? Why aren’t there nachos everywhere at all times and on all menus right now? And how did you let this happen? Now that baseball season is here, we seek heaps of nachos — real nachos, with drizzly (and, indeed, sometimes orange-colored!) cheese! — but fail to find a plethora of options.

The world’s dearth of nacho establishments is harrowing and, presumably, due in large part to the fact that you can make them at home. Simply layer tortilla chips, salsa, optional beef, and cheese (people who don’t layer are assholes) and then shove in the broiler or, in a pinch, the microwave. Usually the microwave.

As for going out? We like the nachos at Louie’s, as seen above. They’re perfectly base; similar to the nachos one might find at a ballpark. They come to you crispy, but then, around the 5th inning or so, turn fork-tender. That’s the sweet spot, folks, when you can start eating them with a fork. Failing Louie’s, we lap up Tango & Stache’s high-grade take on nachos, which boast smoked provolone cheese sauce, Vermouth baked beans, and bacon fat tortilla chips.

Read on for more nacho talk from Brock and SFist readers.

['gram by Brock]

Lots of neighborhood ping pong news (more ping pong news than you’re probably prepared to handle)

I’m sorry but ping pong is my favorite thing (other than blogging), so brace yourself:

  1. Tonight, and every Thursday night, is Ping Pong Nite at El Rio.

  2. We mentioned before that this Friday is Singin’ & Pingin’ at Verdi Club, but the new news is that Rocky of Rocky’s Frybread will be cooking up frybread out front!

  3. Sunday night, Rice Paper Scissors is doing a popup dinner at Dear Mom, while the SF Berlin-Style Ping Pong League hosts a casual party in the back room to promote (and sign people up for) their upcoming new season.

  4. Monday night, the SF Berlin-Style Ping Pong League’s new season kicks off at SoMa StrEat Food Park, 7-10pm. Sign up online or at the Sunday night Dear Mom thing.

Future South Van Ness mini-golf course neighbors concerned about traffic and noise, organizing against it, sort of

[via @woolfshirt]

KronnerBurger’s freaky new logo


KronnerBurger’s cheddar mayo

It looks like ordinary mayo, but it contains cheddar — and it is awesome. And you can put it on your fries or your onion rings or your burger or your crab burger or your filet of tofu sandwich or your wedge salad or — or you could just get a second side of cheddar mayo and put it on that!

A short movie about local artist Ryan De La Hoz

Ryan works mostly with paper, making stuff like the above. But he’s also famous for his clothing line Cool Try, and he’s opening a shop in the neighborhood (483 14th Street) on May 11th.

Here’s a peek inside his process:

Brawl in Dolores Park results in chewed ears, blood trails and more

[Photos by Josh Simpson]

This dude just used a chainsaw to cut a boot off his car

(Thanks, Lizzy!)

Census results expose the differences of SF vs. NYC

Our pal Teddy recently embarked on a completely scientific exploration of the typical dispositions felt by San Franciscans versus New Yorkers, and if you’ve ever lived in both places, you’ll probably share a few of these sentiments.  Check out the whole thing here.

Interview with Rapper John, karaoke legend

There’s never a dull moment at DJ Purple’s Dance Karaoke parties, but some scenes really get imprinted on your brain. Like when Rapper John takes the stage and totally nails fast-paced club hits like “Party Rock Anthem” and “Gangnam Style.” He’s a somewhat older gentleman, so there’s always a sea of Mission youngsters double-taking in unison as he launches into one of his signature jams.

I asked DJ Purple to tell me what he knows about the guy:

I saw Rapper John singing Rapper’s Delight at Roger Niner’s show a few years ago, and realized what a perfect match he would be for my show. I was really happy when he finally showed up a few weeks later to check out my show. It was fabulous, and he’s been a regular ever since.

I only know a little of Rapper John’s history, mostly stories from other KJ’s. They say he’s been a legend in the Bay Area and Las Vegas karaoke scenes for years, always picking the perfect crowd-pleasing songs and wowing everyone with his lyrical prowess.

Last year, I laid down a special challenge for him to learn a new song. When Gangnam Style came out, I knew immediately that he was the perfect man for that song, but was afraid rapping in Korean might be too much for even Rapper John. He took it on, and that song was indeed almost too much for him, but Rapper John triumphed in the end – he found a hilarious English phonetic translation parody of Gangnam Style by Chad Wild Clay and used that to conquer the Korean pronunciation. Since then, “Condom Style” with Rapper John has been a regular feature at my shows, to the delight of the dancing audiences…

Delight is right. People go NUTS. Lucky for us, DJ Purple put us in touch with the man himself. After the jump, the official Mission Mission Rapper John interview, followed by a video of Rapper John doing “Party Rock” at Singin’ & Pingin’ 2 last December.

And do try to catch Rapper John and DJ Purple in action this Friday night at Singin’ & Pingin’ 3 at the Verdi Club!

[Photo by Jess Kelso / American Tripps]
