SFist editor Brock Keeling wants to talk about nachos:
[W]hy weren’t nachos the thing to eat in 2012? Why aren’t there nachos everywhere at all times and on all menus right now? And how did you let this happen? Now that baseball season is here, we seek heaps of nachos — real nachos, with drizzly (and, indeed, sometimes orange-colored!) cheese! — but fail to find a plethora of options.
The world’s dearth of nacho establishments is harrowing and, presumably, due in large part to the fact that you can make them at home. Simply layer tortilla chips, salsa, optional beef, and cheese (people who don’t layer are assholes) and then shove in the broiler or, in a pinch, the microwave. Usually the microwave.
As for going out? We like the nachos at Louie’s, as seen above. They’re perfectly base; similar to the nachos one might find at a ballpark. They come to you crispy, but then, around the 5th inning or so, turn fork-tender. That’s the sweet spot, folks, when you can start eating them with a fork. Failing Louie’s, we lap up Tango & Stache’s high-grade take on nachos, which boast smoked provolone cheese sauce, Vermouth baked beans, and bacon fat tortilla chips.
Read on for more nacho talk from Brock and SFist readers.
['gram by Brock]