I spent New Year’s Eve at one of my favorite places in the city, seeing epic and long-awaited sets by my BFF Nick Pal and my BFF my cousin Jojo, surrounded by a ton of my favorite people in the world. I thought it couldn’t possibly be a better night. And then Windham Flat went on and completely blew the roof off the place.
We’ve written about them a bunch of times, but I just can’t stress it enough. This band fucking rules, and tomorrow night they’re playing at Bender’s and it only costs $5 to get in. Get in.
I usually don’t bother with your music suggestions, but had to hear what ‘blew the roof off benders.”
God, what a weak kneed bourgeois load of crap. I actually listened to five songs on you tube. They make REM sound revolutionary. If they played next door, neighbors wouldn’t even complain. Sure though, they could be huge. Milk toast little apolitical boys can do that. Wow, they sure groove!
right right? i only fucks with that gangsta shit. fuck is this soft ass baby thigh music son?
oh thats strange, superman is staring at that knife’s scrotum and is all turned on hence the X X vision.
way to go superman.
WOW just what I was looking for. Came here by searching
for dog
I am regular reader, how are you everybody? This paragraph posted at this site is truly pleasant.