i saw this happen after i heard the honk and crunch. the bus “tapped” her, but i wouldn’t want to get “tapped” by a muni bus, would you? i also saw her little dog under the big tire as it was stopping, but it managed to get out very quickly and run away. someone chased it down fast though.
i saw this happen after i heard the honk and crunch. the bus “tapped” her, but i wouldn’t want to get “tapped” by a muni bus, would you? i also saw her little dog under the big tire as it was stopping, but it managed to get out very quickly and run away. someone chased it down fast though.
thnks admin
gooods administror
hey thnks admin
spr blogs
hello nice blogs
hello thnks admin
hello thnks administator
hello very blogs
goods admin vrys
hello thnks admin oh
oh oh thanks admin