Ryan P. writes:
Never be lost in Dolores Park again! “Hey, where are you?” “D4, you?” “B3, you sunk my battleship!”
Ryan P. writes:
Never be lost in Dolores Park again! “Hey, where are you?” “D4, you?” “B3, you sunk my battleship!”
The blog so nice they named it twice.
It’s upside down.
Not if you’re coming from the Castro.
Where the fuck are the basketball courts? Why is gay beach so small?
it’s obviously not to scale bonehead. i’m sure you get the general idea. you do get the general idea, right?
The map doesn’t work if it’s not to scale. The point is to create quadrants to find your friends. Making the map inaccurate defeats this purpose.
see, the thing is is that it’s actually pretty fucking acurate. here, look: http://imgdrop.net/images/bwy1350527611f.png
This is awesome! You’re awesome!
Great job!
This could be really useful.
So, it is to scale.
Does it bother anyone that the gay section is H8?
hahahahah, i didn’t even think about that.