Our pal Idiot Temper recently got his hands on some contraband Sriracha unlike anything we’ve ever seen:
My friend Jasmine moved to Mexico today. The first thing she did was go to a “Mexican Walmart” to buy Sriracha. LOOK AT THAT SHARK! WHY DO WE HAVE A ROOSTER! CAN WE ALL GET SRIRASHARK TATTOOS?!
Indeed. I mean, just LOOK at that shark. The only downside is you won’t be able to say, “Hold on a minute while I wipe all of this hot cock sauce off of my face.”
Come on, without the rooster, we wouldn’t be able to get our signficant others to wear these “hot cock” underpants: http://shop.theoatmeal.com/collections/frontpage/products/sriracha-boxer-briefs
made with shark fin