
As you might know if you’ve paid attention to this blog ever, Primo is basically our favorite DJ, and over the next 48 hours or so you’ve got three opportunities to see him do his thing (and he’s very versatile, so his “thing” will vary wildly at each event).

The first is all soul, the last is all house — and the middle one is a little bit of both and a lot of everything in between. Click any of the posters to head to the Facebook invites for further info:

RSVP and invite your friends to Nightbeat!

RSVP and invite your friends to Time Warp!

RSVP and invite your friends to 2 Men Will Move You!

UPDATE: Holy cow, he’s doing the late shift at Church tonight too!

One Response to “Primopalooza”

  1. P.D.Bird says:

    Primo is the best DJ in SF based on hours practiced. We used to live below him for a while and he practices 24/7. Always trying to improve his shows for your enjoyment. Unlike some dj’s that the show seems to be an afterthought. Long live Primo!!!