2 choices of bicycle wheel security


In the closer example, we have some exquisite custom brackets that are so difficult to dismantle that even Sheldon Brown admits that a prospective thief who somehow got the whole bike back to his secret evil lair of thievery would still have a hell of a time removing the wheel.

On the other hand, the farther bike goes for the color-coordinated DIY zip-tie method which, while perhaps not quite as secure, nonetheless would certainly still be a hassle to remove. And it looks quite stylish too! However, god forbid you actually have to remove the wheel from your frame–seems like it would be just as much of an ordeal for you as it would for the thieves.


Of course, we all know that all bicycles are on temporary loan from the universe, so it’s only a matter of time before something happens to yours. The best thing you can do is make it as difficult as possible on the jerks!

Friendly take over of the Asian Art Museum

Here’s a great chance to get out of the Mission! Space Bi, a “pop-up, parasitic, and unauthorized contemporary art center” will be infesting and completely inhabiting the Asian Art Museum this Thursday, July 26th from 5-9pm.

It sounds pretty fun:

As a forum for alternative programming, Spacebi reimagines the museum as a collective artist studio. Be a part of Spacebi, create new artworks, and join us for the “official” celebration of a year worth of artist projects, creative collaborations, and off-the-record experiments all inspired by the Asian. COME PLAY!

Event on FB here; site link here.

King Tuff’s latest album ‘King Tuff’ is probably the best of the year so far and they are playing Thursday night at Bottom of the Hill

This is but one of the songs on it that slays me every single time (and the album art ain’t too shabby either, right?):

Tickets here.

P.S. Opening act Jaill seems pretty good too.

Green chile on Rocky’s Frybread menu tonight at El Rio

For those not in the know, green chile means the world to fans of New Mexican cuisine. (I know a little about it from that time I went to Albuquerque on a Breaking Bad tour.) It’s not always readily available out here on the west coast, and when it is, it’s not necessarily done up right, but if there’s anyone in the Mission tonight that can nail it, it’s Rocky:

Plus some rock ‘n’ roll? Sounds like a plan.

We should all be eating at Pal’s Take Away more often

Just look at this sandwich:

That’s smoked trout, fancy bacon, fancy lettuce, soft-cooked egg, herby cream cheese on rye. Sooooo good. I know it’s easy to forget about this place since it’s so far out 24th Street, not very close to Dolores Park — but it is worth the trek like crazy. (And maybe try picnicking at Potrero del Sol for once?)

New menu every day here. Or follow them on Twitter.

Doll-sized PBRs

Did you make it to the Renegade Craft Fair this weekend? If not, you missed out on all things bird, wolf, owl, tentacle, Native American, artisan, laser cut, geometric, and mustachioed — as well as these tiny plush tallboys, made by Let’s Be Friends, who also carried doll-sized Moleskines and messenger bags. Adorbs!

X-girlfrend garage sale featuring good quilty clothes

Quilty clothes? Is that a Lolita reference? Anyway I’m bummed I missed this sale. Anybody check it out?

[via Abby]

Hot new look for summer: Broken wings club

[via American Tripps]

Hot new look for summer: Midwest pride

Also, check out that awesome Bart in the background.

[via C'mon Pony]

Guerilla marketing campaign for Hamburger Helper hits the Mission

Shame on you, General Mills. Some poor property owner is going to have to clean that up.

[via Quonky]