Stunning animated GIF keeps its eye on Sutro Tower while circling the city

I mean like just wow, right?

[HYPNOSF via Burrito Justice]

28 Responses to “Stunning animated GIF keeps its eye on Sutro Tower while circling the city”

  1. timbo says:

    This is awesome.

  2. Erik says:

    “Stunning” is an overused adjective these days IMO.

  3. Anne Marie says:

    Rotating Shrimp Fork!

  4. blah says:

    Incidentally this gif makes me feel motion-sick. But it is nicely done anyway.

  5. Matt says:


  6. Ben says:

    Slow it down!

  7. eggs says:

    you should check out the rest of them, dummies

  8. mike says:

    not impressed

  9. Not a Transplantsiscan says:

    My girlfriend ass is stunning… this is pretty dope…

  10. Katie C says:


  11. Hi, I know you like Sutro Tower also, so I just wanted to let you know that they’re celebrating it’s 40th anniversary with a Photo Contest! you can submit your pics to their facebook page. The winners will receive a Model of the Sutro Tower!
    you should submit this video!
    thanks, Laurence