Hipster to-do list 2012

Last year’s hipster to-do list was one of our most popular posts ever, so finding a good sequel has been high on our to-do list ever since. This one might be a winner:

I mean, it’s strong right off the bat with the ukelele thing, and the gym thing and “motorcycle ok” are just killer, but it’s the SXSW :( that really just slays me.

30 Responses to “Hipster to-do list 2012”

  1. blah says:

    This is not from a hipster. Asking for money from parents is not on the list. There also appears to be a job of some sort.

  2. scum says:

    also into bdsm.

  3. joshua says:

    beth would make a really good looking pilot

  4. Lindsey says:


  5. Ron says:

    Does the hipster meme still mean anything in mid-2012? We might need to come up with new stereotypes.

  6. Mr. Blackwell says:

    Wait, no PBR or white belts or (insert 12-to-24 other cliches that internet people say about hipsters).

    • trixr4kids says:

      unfortunately, those cliches are not just cliches. there is a real and frightening belief among hipsters that pbr tastes good (and not like piss, which is the truth). it’s not just internet, either. i hear people talking up pbr on a daily basis. hipsters or not, there is a large segment of the population that drinks pbr.

  7. Haz Been says:

    This list sucks. So did the person who wrote it. At least last year’s was funny.

  8. tk says:

    I liked another list, you probably never heard of it.

    Wait…let me try again.

    I liked last year’s list better!

  9. jamie says:

    this person is my clone. weird. except i know how to drive. so i’m winning…right?!

  10. JFlikka says:

    #20 – Work on my penmanship so I don’t write like an 8 year old anymore.

  11. anadromy says:

    Is the Dom in the Sunset a cute dood or a dud? Cause, you know, that could be a two birds, one stone kinda thing. And if she writes him an email to set up a date then we’re talking about a trifecta. (Not to mention: riding motorcycle up over Portola and down onto Taraval is quite a scenic trip. Oh my god, four down now.)

  12. Hater says:

    Ah, hipsters making fun of hipsters. I love the smell of irony in the morning.

  13. scum says:

    I am bored of irony.

  14. danimal says:

    I liked it more when I thought it said “outrun this innocence.”

  15. planet dragontit says:

    • Avoid every opportunity to see ” On the Road” in the theatre. Even though, I’ll probably get drunk on PBR and end up watching it.

  16. GG says:

    So has anyone put their “DUDES NOT DUDS” t-shirt design up on Cafe Press yet?

  17. Ivy says:

    I love how visiting a friend in the Sunset is so insane it needs its own line on a new year’s resolution. It’s soooooo far away, and there are sooooooo many garages…

  18. shani says:

    This person can’t spell and since most hipsters have ivy league degrees and don’t rent…she’s not in.