Even though I’ve been in Northern California my entire life, I’d never been to Alcatraz until my friend Allie took me last Friday. It was pretty great, particularly the flora and fauna. See the snowy egret or something hiding in there? I was standing there looking at it when suddenly something else started talking at me, so I made a recording. The good part starts a little after the 0:35 mark:
Ewok right?
This is a comment, regarding a posting on mission mission.
You guys need to get a room.
“You dicks need to get a toilet stall.”
Fixed that for you.
You’re welcome.
That’s an Ewok alright. Case closed.
Speaking with the authority of someone who worked on Alcatraz for four years, and runs a site about the birds there (and other places) I have to ruin your day by telling you that’s the SAME snowy egret talking to you. I know. Your mind is blown.
Way blown!
Last 10 seconds or so!
sort of sounds like a jawa too
It literally says, “Yub, yub.” It’s an Ewok.
I own all of the (two) Ewok adventure films, so I’m familiar as to what they sound like. They were my favorite thing as a kid.
For the record, it’s “Yub Nub” not “yub yub”!
If we’re really trying to prove if it’s an ewok, the voice is way too high pitched in my opinion.
i’m stupid.
Check it: The babies make scary snake noises: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sosoVgsTMcc
No actually that was Nic Cage. he still lives on Alcatraz. Source: Wikipedia, Niccage.net.
You know, because of the movie
Sure, we’ve all seen Valley Girl.
I once dated Chewie.
You need a microphone windsock!! Yes, they make them for iPhones.
Too funny! I think it would have been more realistic if you heard those same sounds at Muir Woods, since that IS where the Ewoks live(d).