So there was a Scientology float in the Carnaval parade:
And then this happened:
Carnaval rules!
[via Meesha]
So there was a Scientology float in the Carnaval parade:
And then this happened:
Carnaval rules!
[via Meesha]
The blog so nice they named it twice.
…and then WHAT happened?
They asked him to exit the float, so he flipped em off and they went on their merry little way.
He dropped trou, then dropped a deuce
For a cult that has a fixation on word definitions, what the hell were they thinking with “Ignite your potential”?
Wouldn’t that imply you were destroying your potential? I mean, I guess that’s pretty accurate in this case, but still.
“Ignite your Potential” translates loosely into “Burn your future”.
Kinda like photo bombing; is he float bombing???
I’m surprised that the two eminently creepy-looking float dudes with sunglasses didn’t flank him and and gently but forcefully lead him towards the trapdoor to the hidden underfloat chamber with the “special” e-meter.
Seriously, there is something very eery/frightening about those two guys on the float.
I’m happy to see anything that inconveniences or publically ridicules that fucking crazy-ass cult.
That was the last float of the parade. What a lame way to end it. Everyone was like WTF?! Then some guy threw a candy or something on the float and the creepy sunglassed float dude kicked it off.
Probably the closest thing to an answer to my question, if true. Thank you.
I actually wanted to know what the non-scientology dude with a skateboard did BESIDES leaping on the float. Clearly, he had SOMETHING in mind.
didn’t really think a scientology float belonged at carnaval, especially not as the last float. the dude kicked me off & i flipped him off too. why not.
fuck scientology, fuck religion, fuck my lungs, fuck my liver, fuck my life.
Aren’t those the infamous “heaven’s gate” Nikes?
I was wondering the same! Creepy!
Looks like the Sea Org to me.