hey if all these swing posts were say, tagged, that site might tempt me to putting more that 2 minutes code into it. Or maybe I’d just get lazy and ifttt to a tumblr design.
Always willing to take a joke just too far enough. Though while waiting for the dns servers to resolve I was pretty worried someone would beat me to it.
haha. sorry it took a while before it redirected again to the new tumblr server… where the temp site isn’t as funny but I have to do some real work before fixing it. sooooory.
hey if all these swing posts were say, tagged, that site might tempt me to putting more that 2 minutes code into it. Or maybe I’d just get lazy and ifttt to a tumblr design.
Ta da:
Can we get a live feed of the swing?
careful, NSFW
haha I didn’t even look, but I knew, you know?
I’m waiting until I can get my boss and the HR person over here before I look. Probably something I want to share with everyone in the office, right?
you may as well wait until it’s take your kids to work day too.
Words can barely express how truly happy that makes me. Sometimes I love this town so much I want to swing on it like all day long.
Always willing to take a joke just too far enough. Though while waiting for the dns servers to resolve I was pretty worried someone would beat me to it.
You hosting this on an EC2 with other sites? Might want to check you Apache if you have important shit running there too…
haha. sorry it took a while before it redirected again to the new tumblr server… where the temp site isn’t as funny but I have to do some real work before fixing it. sooooory.
I finally stop having my Apache nightmares and you do this. I won’t sleep for weeks.
cut down the tree. problem solved
whoa!!! look who’s back!
I like your logic