California here we come


Right back where we started from. Well, except for those people from the Midwest. But seriously, it’s time to stop hating on them. It’s not their fault they weren’t born next to a beach.

If anything, blame plate tectonics or something.

6 Responses to “California here we come”

  1. Lizzy Courtois says:

    Some of us were born in the Midwest AND near the beach! Anyway, what kind of car is that? Is it maybe from the Midwest, like Detroit, which is also on the beach, or something?

  2. AttF says:

    Folks from the Midwest ain’t so bad. It’s the ones from Massachusetts that I can’t stand.

  3. Brillo says:

    I thought Ricky and Lucy had a convertible.

  4. Tabby says:

    I’ll stop hating on them once they stop constantly reminding everyone that they’re from the Midwest. NO ONE CARES