Exactly, how about leaving some unique character to the rest of SF neighborhoods a$$holes???
This is the absolute definition of urban gentrification:
“Urban gentrification occasionally changes the culturally heterogeneous character of a community or neighborhood to a more economically homogeneous community that some describe as having a suburban character.”
Sucks for Haight Street.
Exactly, how about leaving some unique character to the rest of SF neighborhoods a$$holes???
This is the absolute definition of urban gentrification:
“Urban gentrification occasionally changes the culturally heterogeneous character of a community or neighborhood to a more economically homogeneous community that some describe as having a suburban character.”
Haight St. has be a corpse without a sole for a long time.
Being without a sole is the last problem Haight Street is likely to have. It averages about one place to buy shoes per block.
John Fluevog +1. Also, thanks for the link.