We’ve been getting criticism for ping pong being the only sport we ever write about, so try this on for size — a weekly dodgeball party at the Mission Rec Center put on by World Dodgeball Society San Francisco. Tonight’s edition is special:
[Today] is Presidents Day so naturally you all are encouraged to come as your fav president (no joke, dress up as Millard “Chill-more” Filmore if you like). Best homage gets a bar tab. And god bless America we are gonna try and squeeze in an extra 30 minutes and start at 8:30 if we can!
Open Gym Power Power Hour! Co-ed, No-Sting dodgeball played to sweet jams from 8:30-10! Great way to sweat out all those leftover toxins from your weekend. Spread the word! $5 to play. We will be hitting some new watering holes this Monday (pre and post)
I love watering holes! RSVP and invite your friends!
My softball team mates do this.
Good story.
Thanks, can I have my Pulitzer now?
Trying to figure out if that’s an anagram for something.
Not enough vowels.
there should be a sport for dodging ex’s and one night standerz