Happy holidays from Mission Street a million years ago

[via The Tenderloin Geographic Society]

5 Responses to “Happy holidays from Mission Street a million years ago”

  1. Everyone says:

    Nice! The only Miracle Mile reference I’ve seen is the slogan of “That’s It”, “Center of the Mile”. Merry Christmas!

  2. Herr Doktor Professor Deth Vegetable says:

    Where was was this picture taken? I’m guessing between 22nd and 23rd street.

  3. Think you’re right, pretty sure that’s the maquee of the Grand Theatre on the very left.


  4. Ever-fascinated with what this stretch looked like pre-Bay View Bank: http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5171/5425741385_62cbe1911f_b.jpg

  5. the_cupcake_of_no_flair says:

    The Bay View Building was a freebie quid pro quo in exchange for destroying Mission to lay Bart beneath it. Nothing about the Mission’s collapse in the 60′s was accidental.