The Summit to close in January

The Summit, that laptop-centric cafe only employed by elite-trained baristas and once thought to be the Mission’s neighborhood game changer, is scheduled to shutter its doors at 780 Valencia on January 28, 2012.

Mission Local has more details, including the following quote from one of the owners of the space:

We at I/O own the building. The Summit was simply our coffee shop vendor. They weren’t able to pay the market rate for rent, so we’re going to have a new vendor in going forward. The incubator is definitely still open and will be having the next group of companies in the new year.

Read on.

It’s New Year’s Eve Eve and I just wanna dance, dance, dance

Uh, Gavin Russom released one of the best songs of the year this year, if you ask me. Check it:

And he’s celebrating NYEE with Donuts at Public Works tonight! L.A. Vampires are supposed to be the shit too, and Magic Touch is local and bangin’. Happy birthday, Donuts!

RSVP and invite your friends!

The Walgreens delivery guy locked his keys in the Walgreens truck

And it was his last delivery before New Year’s, too!  The poor dude is currently trying to unlock the door with a screwdriver if anyone who’s attained enough perks on their Lockpicking skills up to at least an Adept ranking wants to help out.  Extra credit if you’re wearing a Walgreens uniform from the dollar store.  Extra extra credit if you’re wearing an Al Green shirt.

There are lies above us


Bombastic rock ‘n’ roll revue tonight at Amnesia starring the Ferocious Few and B. Hamilton

Can’t wait! Ferocious Few and B. Hamilton have both been longtime faves. Together on one bill, Amnesia should be worried its foundations might be rocked to rubble.

Here’s what head Hamilton Ryan C. Parks had to say about tonight’s event this morning on Facebook:

Get your ass to Mars! RSVP and invite your friends!

Watch an epic Ferocious Few video here. Read all about B. Hamilton (and download their debut album for FREE) here.

Sutro Tower’s looking a little structurally unsound on Google Satellite

[via Satellite Tourist]

Disembodied head speaks

Wing deal

At Dr. Teeth’s.

Anybody have anything to say about Christians this Christmas season?

The Rite Spot Cafe’s future is uncertain

The Rite Spot Cafe was shut down last month for health and safety violations.

While this isn’t the first time, usually the closures have been limited to the kitchen and this has definitely been the longest one we’ve seen yet. People and musicians close to the establishment are skeptical it will be revived this time, with repair costs and real estate pressure being major factors.

The Rite Spot has been around for 60 years. It has was a starting place for Jolie Holland, the Dodos, thee Oh Sees, Toshio Hirano, American Idol contestant Emily Anne Reed and even once hosted Norah Jones. The spot can be hit or miss, with service ranging from cold to downright crabby, but I would be seriously bummed to see it go. It is one of the few places you can sit at a table without waiting, get a drink, eat a good burger, and watch some great live music. As a musician myself, some of my first San Francisco shows were there and I met a lot of great people through it.

We’ll keep an eye out for any developments, but in the meantime you may need to settle for Charlottesville, VA’s segregated alternative, the White Spot.