Dear Mom signage is up!

Almost time to PARTY!

5 Responses to “Dear Mom signage is up!”

  1. new says:

    Dear Mom,

    Please send money.

    I already used up my trust fund allowance for this month.



  2. Elizabeth says:

    Do we really need another bar? Or another place to party? Time for a moratorium on alcohol licenses in the Mission. I’m so tired of jacked up hipsters.

  3. Matthew says:

    Something something hipster.

  4. Supervisor Campos says:

    Fuck this place! And fuck this blog!

  5. The Problem with Larry says:

    I’m actually excited. We here have lived through Gordons — now a sad venue for bad hip hop parties and shootings… then Potrero Brewing… now shut because it became a sad venue for bad hip hop parties and shootings…

    maybe these people will actually come up with something that doesn’t die and instead becomes a real neighborhood bar. Like Truck.

    If they fail, we’ll shut their asses down. If they succeed, we’ll be on hand with cash and dreams of good neighbors.