Homemade-vodkanol-fueled rural Balkan Wedding of the Year, 1990 (tonight at Amnesia)

Our budday Malcolm, a connoisseur of all things Balkan, fills us in:

The great Mano Cherga Band plays tonight with Chervona, Makru Musica and DJ Zlejko from Kafana Balkan (late night set 1AM-close). For those of you who’ve yet to see Mano Cherga, this Serbo-Gypsy five-piece has the power to transform any venue into the homemade-vodkanol-fueled rural Balkan Wedding of the Year, 1990. You become the too-young sweaty groom; she becomes the too-young sweaty bride. Chances are she is a lovely link in the fairy circle of scarf dancing girls that seems to spring up wherever these fellows play. You have your whole lives ahead of you! Tonight the floorboards will leap, the chandeliers will swing, and temblors will pass unnoticed!

In! RSVP and invite your friends!

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