What kind of asshole do you park like?

[via Cool Bitch]

18 Responses to “What kind of asshole do you park like?”

  1. The Frederale says:

    Parking like an asshole can happen by accident. All the other cars around yours can leave and another parking configuration can go in, leaving yours out in the middle somewhere. Looking like to total asshole.

    Usually, though, someone is just being an asshole.

    Is a driver being an asshole when this happens?
    Are all drivers in SF assholes because they own cars?
    Was the person who wrote this note an asshole?
    Is everyone in SF an asshole?

    • You don’t get it — being an asshole is the new black! It’s totally cool! Actually, it has been, in San Francisco, for at least the last quarter-century. Probably forever, really.

    • Cool Bitch says:

      “This is LA”- Sheryl Crow

    • Erik says:

      The only way to be sure that someone parked like an asshole is to see them do it. Even if there is half a car length ahead of or behind them at the end of the block there could have been a Smart car or motorcycle there when they arrived.

      If you actually see someone do it on purpose though then you should feel free to leave a note in the paint on their hood.

  2. jlassen says:

    What kind of breeder scum needs parking spots anyway? Everybody should ride bikes. Instead of leaving notes, donate your car to charity and get a bike.


    I half expected to see a couple dozen comments to this effect. I mostly agree with the sentiment, but as one of the breeder scum, I still feed the need to cart my baby around in a 2000Lb steel box, instead of on the back of an aluminum tube with 2 wheels. Does that make me a bad person?


    • drip says:

      writing a facetious comment and then self-righteously defending yourself against your own facetious comment makes you a bad person.

  3. Brock Keeling says:


  4. und1sk0 says:

    i enjoy pulling up on the sidewalk, if there isn’t motorcycle spaces or perhaps a fire hydrant not available. in front of a garage, preferably.

  5. lowlifelocal says:

    My note came with some fresh pinstripes(keyed) all because I parked like an asshole. It was by accident, thought I was leaving room when in fact I was cutting out a space. Just glad he let me know which car was his. Payback put a smile on my face

  6. jane says:

    i hate inconsiderate parkers. there are way too many who dont realize that if they move up a goddamn 2 ft closer to the car ahead of them, another car could park behind them also. hence, not taking up 2 spaces, asshole.

  7. thbbbpppt says:

    I got one up here in Noe that said “WAY TO PARK RETART”.

  8. Sweet T says:

    My neighbors are little more passive aggressive.


    I’m pretty sure they wear birkenstocks.