Creepy cat-man and his pet creepy man-cat say: ‘This is your last chance to win FREE TICKETS to Treasure Island Music Festival 2011!’

Our contest ends tomorrow at noon. The picture above is an entry in said contest. There’ve only been a couple dozen entries (most of which you can see here), so the odds are still pret-ty good.

Enter here: CONTEST: Win tickets to Treasure Island Music Festival 2011

5 Responses to “Creepy cat-man and his pet creepy man-cat say: ‘This is your last chance to win FREE TICKETS to Treasure Island Music Festival 2011!’”

  1. buzzgirl says:

    That picture is seriously disturbing me.

  2. Rank ol' FrontButt Wilson says:

    Mighty fine!

  3. rightofway says:

    How can I win tickets to a Giants play-off game?? Oh wait.. AHAHAHAHAHA.

  4. d says:

    I looked at the other entries…please oh please do NOT give the tickets to that Dodgers fan!

  5. Billy Escargot says:

    Did I win?