Iconic 19th Street ‘Mac and Cheese’ sidewalk etching gets filled with actual mac-and-cheese powder

And then you suck it out with a straw? Fair.

(Thanks, Melena!)

6 Responses to “Iconic 19th Street ‘Mac and Cheese’ sidewalk etching gets filled with actual mac-and-cheese powder”

  1. Melena says:

    Made that 8:15am walk to move my car worth it.

  2. Herr Doktor Professor Deth Vegetable says:

    I don’t think that word means what you think it means.

  3. Pedro Navaja says:


  4. Looks like someone tried to fill it in with jizz, too.

  5. GG says:

    Why hasn’t someone in the Mission invented a drug cocktail that’s coke mixed with mac ‘n’ cheese powder yet?