Bad-ass Lithuanian mayor crushes cars illegally parked in bike lane with a TANK

Memo to all aspiring San Francisco mayoral candidates: whichever one of you does this first is totally getting my vote.


(Thanks J-man!)

9 Responses to “Bad-ass Lithuanian mayor crushes cars illegally parked in bike lane with a TANK”

  1. rich says:

    I know you guys are “just a blog” but c’mon, this has already been reported as a publicity stunt, the car was non-functional and towed there.

  2. Jon says:

    1) that was not a tank, but an APC

    2) tanks will be used to crush 20 something bicyclists who run stop signs or veer into car lanes without looking first

  3. sea says:

    damn this thing is way off topic plus i already saw this one a site that is supposed to post shit like this. why can’t mission mission just do what it’s supposed to do? WHY?!