It seems that the owner of Delfina and I have a shared hobby: walking around the Mission and taking random pics. Here are two of his:
Yeah, I totally want to party with this pinky.
I would call this “hip-o-critical”.
But really, whew, glad this isn’t aimed at me.
The former Z Barn is covered with those signs. They’re also plastered up along Mission St.
You upload your photos too fast.
Nice legs. The French have all the luck.
Why do the “Hipster Repent” signs have the international symbol for squatting on them? (I’m not asking this snarkily, I just got back into town and haven’t seen them irl yet)
Theres a variety posted on the vacant bldg on 19 and mission accross from lawrence bakery. Something along the lines of “this space occupied” etc etc. Like I said, theres a variety on that one.