Local tagger Cancer Carl digs Neil Young

Here’s Neil Young performing “I’m the Ocean” with his mid-’90s backing band, Pearl Jam. The best part is the last minute or so:


[via Penelope Popsicle]

6 Responses to “Local tagger Cancer Carl digs Neil Young”

  1. GG says:

    Do you think he has cancer or just smokes a lot (or loves red dye #40)?

  2. Jon says:

    Why does MissionMission post such lame stuff?

    Pictures of cool graffitti? Yes, more please.

    Pictures of adolescent kids magic markering their name on nonsensical junk? No thank you.

  3. otro_lado says:

    Cancer Carl rules -more please! What YOU think is cool is just that.

  4. Maybe it’s going to be his birthday soon.