Why shouldn’t you eat at Picaro or Esperpento?

A compelling argument I suppose, but Looking is Not Seeing, the site that first published the above picture, has a different reason:

I’d say don’t eat at Esperpento or Picaro because the food is pretty lousy.

Blam! [link]

13 Responses to “Why shouldn’t you eat at Picaro or Esperpento?”

  1. mm fan says:

    this guy is an f**king prick. i’ve never left a bad yelp review, but i had to after he asked me to leave an outside table (for two) because i was dining by myself. no other party was waiting for it, i think he just really enjoys being mean.

  2. Pretty standard for small restaurant owners. I worked for one of these assholes back in the ’80s… for a week, until he returned from vacation. Then I discovered why pretty much only workers from south of the border will work for them.

  3. moderniste says:

    Totally routine unfortunately. Too many restaurant owners suffer from “Lord of the (tiny) Realm” syndrome. And they have the lovely GGRA to vehemently oppose raising industry standards in things like, oh, offering benefits.

    Nevermind that those restaurants that do offer fair mgmt and real benefits (hello Real Restaurants and Kuleto Restaurants) always have the best, most experienced employees…

    • rod says:

      the city now tries to require restaurants to give their employees healthcare (healthySF), however many restaurant owners think this is unfair and protest having to give their employees basic health insurance by adding it as a tax to your bill . . .

      • moderniste says:

        GGRA again. Healthy SF makes it considerably more painless for owners to offer affordable benefits, but no, that couldn’t just happen.

  4. moderniste says:

    I always thought that small restaurant owners who have problems affording to offer real benefits should demand of their only lobbyist organization, GGRA, that they offer some organized industry group to collectively purchase insurance. Then small biz could equal what larger groups like Real Restaurants can do.

    But no–the GGRA only opposes offering benefits of any kind. Including sick pay and overtime. Totally stuck in the Dark Ages.

    • MrEricSir says:

      Based on my understanding of the Dark Ages, the restaurant would be run by a family that would also farm all of the food out back.

      Which if you think about it, would probably be a big hit in San Francisco.

  5. SFdoggy says:

    More importantly, let us remember that the food at Esperpento is really lousy. However, their drinks are cheap, so they stay in business.

  6. Mike says:

    Hello Everyone,

    As a result of the pressure of an organized group of working folks calling for the owner to compensate his former employee, the restaurant owners finally decided to settle the dispute.

    • Herr Doktor Professor Deth Vegetable says:

      Hey, that’s terrific news!

    • Nico says:

      source please ? Strangely enough, my friend just invited me to Picaro for dinner tonight. I want to know if I’m supporting an asshole or not ! :)

  7. j says:

    The boycott is called off. We were able to get our friends overtime pay. Thanks for the support.
    SF Solidarity
