Braves fans so pumped about beating the Giants they are now shattering your preconceived notions about the South and young black men on the subway

If only their coach was as comfortable with his sexuality as their fans.

[Photo by Ann, recently transplanted to SF from Atlanta]

UPDATE: I’ve been duped. Apparently this was a meme last year. Great pic in any case.

11 Responses to “Braves fans so pumped about beating the Giants they are now shattering your preconceived notions about the South and young black men on the subway”

  1. bruno says:

    yeah, actually this photo caused a serious homophobic uproar last year. See:

    I guess I see your attempt at being funny?

    • What I see, bruno, is your attempt at not reading the link that Allan put in your lap — the one that described a seriously dick move by an Atlanta pitching coach that may eventually land the Braves owners in court — which also may alienate a lot of Atlanta fans such as the ones depicted in the photo.

      For the record, I loathe the Braves, and have done since Hank Aaron retired. But their fans deserve better people on their team than Roger McDowell. Holy shit, what a motherfucking dick.

      • olu says:

        i think he got that- i think he was just pointing out the irony of using a photo that stirred up ugly comments about homophobia (and race) to discuss someone elses ugly comments.

        • OK, first of all — is it that hard to use uppercase? Really?

          Second: I do not understand your objection to what I wrote. There is nothing wrong in using “a photo that stirred up ugly comments about homophobia (and race)” to discuss the ugly comments of a fucking prick.

          Oh,yeah, I’m losing my patience. Woah.

      • Bruno says:

        Thank you, Olu.

        CrankyOldMissionGuy: I’m fully aware of the issue but thank you for your concern. As one of the few queer people of color who actually read this blog I was simply pointing out the weak association between this expression of black masculinity (mind shattering, apparently)with a coach who is a white southern bigot.

        Wait a minute…black men + baggy pants + ATL hat = Braves’ fans!

        Ah, I get it now! Womp womp.

        • “As one of the few queer people of color who actually read this blog” — well, that’s an interesting assumption.

          “expression of black masculinity” — not really seeing that, unless you’re saying that ‘cuddling = masculinity’. Interesting idea.

          Braves hat = Braves fan? Yes sir!

          • Bruno says:

            Ignorance is boring. *sigh*

          • Tanya says:

            “Expression of black masculinity” = “expression of black maleness” = “two black men.” I don’t think Bruno meant “masculinity” in the sense of “macho manliness” but rather in simply the idea of “they’re male.” Masculinity = all those things that men do, including cuddling.

  2. Andrea says:

    I wanted to believe.

  3. MrEricSir says:

    Yeah, that’s definitely not Bart — similar, but the seats are hard plastic.

  4. WizardAmazing says:

    Yeah. Atlanta is pretty gay and black. There is even its own special “black” gay pride weekend.