Raise money for SF bike messengers by drinking and riding fixies tonight

From the Macaframa website:

The event is finally upon us. Please come out to support a good cause and race and drink with your friends. There will be great prizes for the racers, as well as for our raffle, and cheap drink specials from Fernet and PBR! A portion of the proceeds will go to the SF Bike Messengers Association’s Broken Bones Fund

The race will be fixed only and will be an alleycat format. The event will have a DJ set and live performance by Nick Waterhouse and the Tarots, who have been blowing UP lately!

I know first hand how expensive it to be hit by a car while biking, and these guys take that risk and pay the price everyday doing their jobs.  So why not enjoy some PBR and take in a good show to help them out?  And if you’re feeling adventurous, jump in the race too!  If I had a fixie, I would totally be all over it — anyone got a lender bike?


5 Responses to “Raise money for SF bike messengers by drinking and riding fixies tonight”

  1. Stu says:

    But who will do the benefit for people that get hammered and ride their bikes around?

  2. Tommy says:

    If I had a fixie, I would totally THROW IT AWAY! Hehehee. If it aint broke, don’t fix it.

  3. kusfwtf says:

    why would you help the same assholes who don’t give a shit about you (replace “you” with other bike riders, pedestrians, drivers, etc…)? hint: you don’t.

  4. egomob says:

    a wayyyyy better idea would be to go to see butt problems, betty white, and mothers @ the cave tonight.


  5. moderniste says:

    This is a nice idea, but an even better idea is to take advantage of Healthy San Francisco, the only-in-SF health insurance you can use at a ton of city clinics and several different hospitals. It’s set up for people like bike messengers and restaurant workers who don’t get health insurance with their job. I’ve been using it and so far have no complaints.