Toddler dragging a saw

(Thanks, Helen!)

18 Responses to “Toddler dragging a saw”

  1. James says:

    Shocking. That is clearly not the best bakery.

  2. Bourbs says:

    That is actually a pretty fucking awesome bakery. Plus, this saw baby just made my whole entire day.

  3. keri says:

    You better be armed with that shit if you are headed for bart.

  4. phlavor says:

    He asked for a Tickle Me Elmo but Dad said, “Too expensive. Here. Same thing.”

  5. Jeff says:

    Nothing like bringing a saw to a pastry fight!

  6. Jonas says:

    He is actually a saw playing prodigy. Here is a video of him:

  7. Brock Keeling says:

    Why not?

  8. MrEricSir says:

    I bet nobody saw this coming.

  9. Pedro Navaja says:

    I hope the toddler did some corrective sawing on the sign.

  10. Jeremy Brooks says:

    I want to see this in video with the sound of the saw scraping across the sidewalk. And then some freaky video effects added.

  11. DD says:

    Naw. It’s more like, “please can I bring the saw? Please oh please oh puh-lease?? ” and Grampa says, “ok ok ok, if you’ll stop yer whinin, Kid!”

  12. cactus says:

    I can’t believe that no one has mentioned the toddler’s bald spot.

  13. SCUM says:

    A future Leatherface, the saw is family.

  14. bwals says:

    what body parts are in that bag?

  15. Tom G. says:

    I can’t believe they let toddlers wanders the streets with saws in S.F.

    You’d think with all the techies in the Bay Area they’d at least get him a chainsaw.

  16. electricmuralproject says:

    that’s a pretty awesome picture. ¡Viva la Missíon!