I’m torn, because on the one hand, I am generally in favor of anything that makes Marina Douchebags sad, but on the other hand, I am also generally against anything that destroys the city I live in.
Oh yeah, plus, y’know, not so hot on mass deaths, again, generally speaking.
i think we broke their server
I’m torn, because on the one hand, I am generally in favor of anything that makes Marina Douchebags sad, but on the other hand, I am also generally against anything that destroys the city I live in.
Oh yeah, plus, y’know, not so hot on mass deaths, again, generally speaking.
The 89 quake barely phased the filth of the Marina, a tsunami won’t do the job of wiping them out.
Um, not true dude. At all.
think of the influx of marina refugees! *shudder*