why would you say that? why do you care what anyone else eats?
with the way the population is growing, in a few decades there won’t be enough food to sustain your way of life (do ya know how much grain it takes to produce cheese/milk/beef?)…at least by vegans abstaining, you can have yr precious cheese for a lil longer. yr lame
thats rigth …FUCK VEGANS !
why would you say that? why do you care what anyone else eats?
with the way the population is growing, in a few decades there won’t be enough food to sustain your way of life (do ya know how much grain it takes to produce cheese/milk/beef?)…at least by vegans abstaining, you can have yr precious cheese for a lil longer. yr lame
umm…that’s a cake. or, people have started decorating wheels of cheese.
“Umm,” it says “fromage,” which means “cheese” in Korean, Pete. Duh.
Also, cheese wheels are often decorated.