The Beerdana

While perhaps not as elegant a solution as the Nike Beer Cozy, the Beerdana nonetheless keeps your your hand from getting cold and your beer (somewhat) insulated.  Plus, it’s stylishly versatile as well, as you could go with the classic Bloods/Crips version, some crazy hippy tie-dye nonsense, or this anarcho-punk tribute to just-deceased longtime Mission resident and legendary rabble-rouser John Ross.

Most importantly, the Beerdana is guaranteed to turn any situation into an instant dance party.

3 Responses to “The Beerdana”

  1. DocPop says:

    on the beer cozy tip, check out these custom selvage 40 ounce cozies.

  2. tacotron says:

    or you can use japanese tengui(?)I have my yet to be drank absinthe bottle cozily wrapped with one

  3. Nate says:

    Who’s the hottie??