Hectic three car crash

Gnarly car crash at 19th and Valencia.

At 19th and Valencia. Captured here by DocPop.

SF Appeal says only minor injuries. (whew!)

Second pic sent in by tipster Ben, who writes “The other car involved, a hybrid honda civic, came out relatively unscathed. Yet another tragic story of when hybrid drag racing goes wrong.”

Butters is missing

Have you seen this cat? Our neighbor needs our help:

Hello- My name is Emily and I am looking for my cat Butters. She jumped out of an open window near 40 McCoppin Street sometime last Sunday night or Monday morning.


She’s a lynx point Himalayan/persian, 2 years old, and really scared to be outside, so she’s probably hiding somewhere or under something.

Get in touch here.

Arty punks from Tempe bring arty punk to the Verdi

They’re called Vegetable, and I’m not having much luck Googling “vegetable tempe.” But I like the look of this video. They’re playing tonight at the Verdi Club as part of a 7″ release party starring local heroes Grass Widow, who we’ve gushed about a bit previously.

I mean, haven’t you always wanted a reason to go to the Verdi Club for the first time? Tonight’s the night. RSVP and invite your friends here.

‘Skate Witches’ in the Midwest, 1986

The Mission may have Teen Witch, and she’s pretty great, but I don’t know that she’s ever uttered a phrase quite as killer as, “I don’t have no money to waste on a skateboard, so I take one from whoever I want, whenever I want.” (Correct me if I’m wrong.)

In any case, prepare to be dazzled by Skate Witches, filmed in Ann Arbor about 25 years ago:

[via Damn Arbor]

Blood bunny

Real horrorshow!

[via Talent Is An Asset]

The most obvious front in the Mission?

I say it’s a tossup.

(Notable Missionite Andi Mudd is new to Twitter, and she’s already pretty good.)

Texting is king

Texting is the bomb, right? We all know it, but some haters still wanna hate. Bailey tells us what’s up:

It bothers me when I hear someone telling a story and at the end some appalled lady from across the table slams down her donut, and spits crumbs out of her mouth shouting, “and this was all over text message?”

Yeah, lady, it was.

Why is that a bad thing? Why does the text message have no value? Better question, how do phone calls have more value? I use my phone to call the doctor, schedule a Comcast appointment, or find a cab at 2 am. Real sentimental conversations. I hate phone calls.

Read on.

[Photo by Chelsea Green]

The raddest bike lane in the city

It makes you feel like you’re riding your bike on the freeway without, you know, actually riding on the freeway.  It used to be a bit more dangerous too, but recent lane striping and cycling logos now warn 55mph cars that bicycles will be on the road too.  Regardless, the feeling you get while zipping down the ramp and taking in that Mission Terrace-style view is well worth it.

What are your favorite bike lanes in the city?

Renegade hippies install renegade hippie art piece in Dolores Park

Alex writes in with this epic piece of summer solstice news:

A renegade art piece was installed this morning in Dolores Park to commemorate summer solstice. Not long after it was built, however, it was evicted by the Parks and Rec department. So this was the briefest ephemeral art project on record… The artist is Rob Bell. You may recognize it as the temple in the Dia De Los Muertos installation at Garfield Park last year and its numerous showings at burningman.


I know it’s hot, but that doesn’t mean you can push your loved one out a second-story window

I love a good lovers’ quarrel as much as the next guy, but in light of all this heat, we’d better all be extra careful not to lose control. SF Appeal tells us about one couple (not pictured) that just couldn’t hack it:

A man was hospitalized after a woman allegedly pushed him out of a second-story apartment window during an argument in San Francisco’s Mission District early this morning, police said.

The guy’s probably gonna be okay, but seriously, people, keep it together. Read on.

[Photo by Carina]