The art of the remix

Our buddy Myles Cooper (who you might remember from that time he wrote and recorded one of the best party jams in the history of music) just put together a summer mixtape in which he warps and bends some classic hits and classic oddities into a wholly contemporary 31 minutes of summer fun.

Bullett Magazine has the free mp3 and all the details right here.

Ooh, and if you like that, do revisit Myles’ epic reworking of a Mariah Carey tune (complete with Farolito burrito). (What?)

Dog eared wisdom

A little nugget of wisdom from your local bookstore.


Let me guess. You transport fruit?

Is that a banana in your bikini bottoms or am I just happy to see you?

[Photo by Carina, whose photostream today is reminding us that we should totally all go camping one of these weekends.]

Return of the Whoa-hawk

It’s looking perhaps even more epic than last year, right?

What’s going on here, photo crew and Yakuza-looking bros?


Improved shopping cart

UPDATE: 4:55pm: “卍 is gone.” Thanks, JK!


Night flowers

Night Flowers