Banned ‘serious art’ at Ritual Roasters replaced by ‘whimsical stuff’ such as Israel and Palestine, and tits and bondage (NSFW)

This is definitely the sort of thing I like to see when looking for a bit of escapism with my coffee. Right?

Btw, discussion is still going strong in the comments section of our earlier post, “Ritual Roasters and the art of banning art.”

(Thanks, Corntard!)

UPDATE: This is a photo by Corntard of a photo by Julian Cash.

UPDATE: Ugh. This is all so dumb. Sorry, everybody. Here’s a screenshot of the publicly viewable Facebook wall of a guy connected in some way to Ritual:

And lots more here.

Operation Ivy’s Jesse Michaels has a rad new blog about swearing angrily

It’s called Jesse Michaels Thrash Metal Blog. It might be about thrash metal? Mostly it is rad. Here are the first seven or eight “posts” I think? Spread over two YouTube videos. That’s right. Enjoy:

[via Jessica Hopper] [Thanks, LLL!]

A 70-year-old San Franciscan’s mental map of the Mission

Some UC Berkeley kids recently interviewed a bunch of San Franciscans for a “story map” project. One subject, a 70-year-old who grew up in the Mission, drew the various elements of the above map and narrates the whole process as well. There’s some interactivity and sound involved, so sit back, relax, turn your speakers up and click here to find out exactly what “the Mission District was…”

Wall of surf

Apparently they have rad murals too in Half Moon Bay.  Love the corner perspective!

Tiny little cricket bathed in sunlight next to a gnarly Shark Ballz sticker

[via Pen Pop]

Known bike thief (allegedly)

Austin K. explains:

He finds a bike and then pretends to talk on the phone for a few minutes, then takes his tool out and hides it behind his phone while he unscrews and yanks the seat/post. This happened about a block away. After he did that, I followed him a bit and snuck up to him/scared the shit out of him and ripped it from his hands as he was trying to put it in his bag, then i gave him a “nudge” into the street with my foot. We went back and forth for a bit then he ran off. I ended up getting it back to the owner when he came out a few minutes later.  Saddest part was that there were 4 people around him watching him do it, they knew what was happening, they did nothing. If you see something bad happening do something, put your life on hold for a second and help out if you’re able. Don’t let creeps like this ruin someones day.

Read on.

Ritual Roasters and the art of banning art

Here’s what it looks like when Ritual Roasters realizes after the fact that the photo show you just opened there contains some mature themes and they decide to shut it down:

Quite a letter! Take a second to view the photos here, and you’ll be all WTF?

[via snapandgo]

UPDATE: SFist is calling this episode a sign of “the continued Starbucks-ification of Valencia Street.” Great. Read on.

Yeah, you might want to try to win Pop’s 8th Annual International Tricycle Races on July 4th

RSVP and invite your friends here.

[via Pop's]

Mission Bowling Club (and Mission Burger) will hopefully be located at 17th and South Van Ness

First we heard about the concept and saw Mission Bowling Club’s floorplan, then we heard the epic news that Chef Anthony from Mission Street Food and Mission Burger will be doing the food. Today, the Examiner revealed the forthcoming establishment’s proposed location, 17th and South Van Ness.

Moreover, a couple of our Supervisors are giving the project a push:

Bowling and boozing — two inherently related activities — are the subject of city legislation designed to clear the way for a proposed new six-lane alley and bar-restaurant in the Mission district.

Supervisors Jane Kim and Scott Wiener want to tweak the planning code to make way for the new locally owned business, which wouldn’t otherwise be allowed because past problems with the area’s drinking culture prompted restrictions on new liquor licenses.

Read on. Hmm. I wonder what other killer concepts might emerge in the wake of these tweaks…

(Thanks, David!)

How Van Ness is it?

[via The Minutes]