2011 Pop’s tricycle race recap

Pop’s July 4th Tricycle Race was a blast! Where else can you see Captain America, Batman, a state trooper, a Native American, a topless Mexican wrestler, some random old dude, and Elvis barrel down the sidewalk full-speed and drunkenly collide with stuff? Ok, maybe the Lombard Big Wheel Race… and Bay to Breakers.

Elvis and Raquel (the Native American babe) faced off in the final round, which is good because they had sweet costumes. I wont spoil it for you, but both of them were hella fast. Raquel’s handlebar-leg clearance helped a lot. Genetics are a bitch. Still, somehow Elvis was able to get by with pure technique. Could it be that he actually trained for the event? Is that considered cheating?

See below for the thrilling video of the final match:


Treat Street fireworks

While the views from Bernal Hill were awesome for checking out the fireworks above the city, the real party last night was on Treat Street. Every corner had it’s own flare and car trunkful of explosives, but no stretch of Treat was quite as impressive as between 20th and 21st:

Fire Breather!

New trends in sitting

Title by Sex Pigeon, photo by Vic Wong.

Hot new look for summer: Gnarly purple bruise

Garage sale mayhem

The two guys by the drumset were giving the hi-hat an enthusiastic test drive, completely oblivious to the guy convulsing and dry heaving over the gutter just inches away from them.

Terrible new look for summer: Barefoot at the Knockout during Debaser

For the uninitiated, the dance floor at the Knockout is a bit grimy in general, and at Debaser it gets downright mucky — not to mention strewn with a healthy amount of broken glass. Yet Tom Sawyer here thought the barefoot look might be a good idea. Best of luck with all your new diseases, guy!

4th of July burger dogs

It’s what you do when you have a bunch of ground beef to fashion into burgers, yet are only stocked with hot dog buns.  True American ingenuity.

Free at the 6th Annual Pop’s Tricycle Races yesterday, which I have a feeling you’ll be hearing more about soon . . .

Well-dressed man selling fruit cups in Dolores Park

Thanks, Jerry!

A Sunday Afternoon in Delores [sic] Park – Georges Seurat, 2011

[via reader Beebe]

Four wheeled bowling alley

Somebody finally installed a bowling alley in the Mission, but they did it in a car.