House Jenga

Ever wondered what your Mission residence’s foundation looks like? As this gutted Fair Oaks house demonstrates, it might resemble a popular party game.

Bottoming out

Bottoming Out

Double standards in relationships

We Built This City (not pictured) recently overheard two women (not pictured) at Mission Cliffs talking about a guy (not pictured):

“He showed up at my house at like 10am yesterday. He was like, ‘I called and you didn’t pick up.’ And I was like, ‘I was walking the dogs — and how many times have I called and you don’t pick up?’ And he was like [fake dude voice] ‘Well I don’t feel like I need to be at your beck and call.’” [link]

Double standards are great, right?

[Photo by Josh Lam]

Cars keep blowing through the stop sign at 21st and Harrison because there’s a backhoe blocking the stop sign

Seriously, I saw three in a row, and then three more in a row. Careful on your home, everybody!

(Also, this particular job might be over with by now, but there seems to be a lot of road construction happening all over, so keep your eyes peeled and be extra vigilant if you see a backhoe anywhere.)

Hot new look for summer: Slurpees for breakfast

[via Appendages of Cool]

15th and Van Ness Condos: ‘You’ve shopped at the Apple Store, now live in one’

Reader J9 sends us this:

These weird developer people came by my apartment today telling me that were going to build a bunch of gross loft condos down the street from my apartment at 15th street and S. van ness.

Take a look here:

These condos don’t even look inhabitable- the buildings look like weird Darth Vader office buildings.

In case you’re a part of the Rebel Alliance, there’s a meeting tonight where you can discuss your concerns with the lack of neo-Victorian detailing in these chic living obelisks. Maybe you can glance at the plans and locate an unshielded thermal exhaust port:

Come to the 1501 15th Street Neighborhood Meeting on Wednesday, July 6th, 2011. The meeting will be held in Annunciation Cathedral at 245 Valencia Street @ 14th Street.

The Empire appears to be trying to evade dissent by not posting an actual start time, but rest assured, we have a contacted them and will update with the relevant info when we get it.

Update: Meeting starts at 6pm

No idea what’s going on here, but I like it

[via Pen Pop]

How to stop drunk people from pissing on the side of your house

[via cellybrain]

Summer reading

Explains Summer Is Rad:

I find weird shit on Harrison St.


Dolores Park renovation threatens to remove bike polo courts

Katie over at Refinery 29 says a “source close to the project” revealed that the bike polo courts (AKA “tennis courts”) might be removed as part of the Dolores Park renovation. And just what do they propose to put in its place? A dog park, where your respective pit bulls and yorkshire terriers can frolic and socialize in perfect harmony.

Not sure of the validity of the claim, but true to San Francisco form, there is already a petition about it, so go sign that if you hate dogs and love bike polo (or tennis).

In other news, Mission Mission is now considering starting a petition to install outdoor ping pong tables in the “fruit shelf” area of the park. Stay tuned.

[via Refinery 29]