High-stakes rap contest, please inquire by phone

Do you have the tightest skillz this side of Bernal Hill(z)? Well it’s your lucky day, because these $2000 rap contest flyers have been popping up everywhere lately. Just call or text 415 484 5368 for the details, we guess. I don’t know about you, but the Tartine Bakery does seem like good place to scout for the next Jay-Z:

Sucka MCs hear me and be all, “God-damn!” My style is tasty like this Croque-Madame

(Note: all comments must take the form of raps)

Hoosier pride

Anders’ Indiana hat is not quite as epic as Jen’s Cincinnasti hat, but it’s pretty good. Let’s hear it for the Midwest!

The Smiths and the Misfits to battle it out for Saturday night rock ‘n’ roll supremacy

The previous edition of Smithsfits was disrupted by massive power outages (but they still had some fun). Here’s hoping this Saturday’s goes off without a hitch.

RSVP and invite your friends here.

Local kids playing on uprooted jungle gym miss Dolores Park Playground

Now THIS looks like a rad playground!

But seriously, these kids’ mom, Elizabeth, who sent in this great pic, wants to know when the renovation is gonna hurry up and start: “We are psyched for the improvements but need to play.” Last I heard, the project was “on target for an early 2011 completion.” By which, I think, they mean an early 2012 completion. Sound good?

Kink.com to open Armory-adjacent bar for cocktail enthusiasts and cock and tail enthusiasts

SFist has the scoop:

Cocktail enthusiasts (or cock and tail enthusiasts, we suppose) who have been watching the space might remember Kink’s owner Peter Acworth has been looking to open an Armory-adjacent bar for some time now and let the Ace Café lease run out in order to take over the bar himself. No word yet from the folks at Kink about the intended decor or drink menu, but the steel bars and the stone walls on the ground floor would probably make for a nice dungeon-themed establishment, if that’s what you’re in to.

Read on.

[Artist's rendering by AndrewDalton/SFist]

Summer soul

Here are a couple of gems you might’ve heard had you attended last Friday’s edition of Oldies Night at the Knockout:

If you’re a fan of this stuff — and really, if you’re a fan of FUN — you’d do well to go to tonight’s Summer Soul Revue at the Verdi Club. Oldies Night’s DJ Primo will be running the show. Advance tickets and further details here.

Panoramic time-lapse video depicts jazzy evening scene outside Revolution Cafe

Ken explains:

I recently acquired some fun new toys, the first of which is a motorized telescope mount that’s popular among time-lapse enthusiasts.  Time-lapse movies are usually fairly static, but this makes it possible to introduce movement such as panning shots.

Read on for pictures of the toys in question as well as a panoramic time-lapse video of Billy Goat Hill.

UPDATE: Says Vic, “Be sure to set this to full-screen 720p and you can almost smell the casual disregard for CA state public marijuana consumption laws.”

‘Are you my mother?’

No, not a still from the new Pixar short. The scene on Saturday at Valencia and Hill St.

Friday night summer soul revue features local music luminaries singing soul standards in the Mission’s biggest ballroom

Here’s what to expect:

Summer is here and on Friday July 8th, local musicians will pay homage to soul greats and E V E R Y O N E will be dancing. The party will be led by DJ Primo and include live performances from Bay Area garage rockers (including members of the Sandwitches and Oakland’s Shannon and the Clams). This will be a summer dance event full of talent and a great selection of music that will take people back to the nights of 60’s southern soul flavor…even if they only know the likes of it if from the movies.

Oh, and be sure to heed the dress code: “Guys wear ties, ladies roll their eyes — and look hot.” RSVP, invite your friends, and purchase advance tickets here.

[via Gravel & Gold]

There’s a new bar open on Mission Street

Word on the street is that it’s called “Mayhem,” but the signage out front is the Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem logo, so this place might be getting sued by the Muppets in a minute.

In any case, it’s in the space recently vacated by Bissap Baobab. It’s a nice place to sit and have a can of Bud on a Wednesday night:

And the people watching on Mission is pretty choice: