The purest form of cycling

[via Pen Pop]

Is my Indian headdress offensive?

In case you were still confused on the subject, our pal Hilary put together this handy little guide to help redress the headdress situation. Check out the history lesson full of salient points here.

Prom pictures

Prom pictures from last Friday’s summer soul bash at the Verdi Club are up on Facebook. I think you have to “like” Dusty Stax Presents in order to view the whole album (but that’s good because then you’ll be more likely to be made aware of future events such as this).

In any case, there are a handful of highlights after the jump, and a summer soul classic to listen to while you ogle them:


Ridiculous horchata

My goodness, look at the size of that thing! San Jalisco really knows how to quench a girl’s thirst, I guess.

[via Awww Damn]

Bunch of protestors and cops at 15th and Mission yesterday afternoon

What gives? Christine, who snapped the above snap, wants to know.

UPDATE: I guess it was just spillover from the BART protest after all. Nothing to see here.

Hot new look for summer: Girl with a short skirt and a long jacket, boy with regular pants and a tiny jacket

But they have to go around as a pair. If they split up, neither look is as hot.

[via Almighty Corntard]

Remembering the Dolores Park playground

The Fog Bender waxes poetic:

they tore down the playground at Dolores park and i’m bummed about it.

this was the place i went to countless birthday parties in my youth.

the place i would take countless dates to drink and chat on the wooden structure under the stars.

the place i would count hundreds of football sized rats running from the bushes to the big wooden boat that sat beached in the sand.

this was the place i would run off to after getting too fucked up to hang out at the bar.

i would swing on the swing set by myself and sometimes meet other people doing the same thing.

Read on for the dramatic conclusion.

[Photo by Norman Rockwell]

Not very sweet 16

A woman was having a conniption into a cellphone on 22nd Street a little bit ago. Shrieking:

If she’s under stress FUCK the birthday party! FUCK the birthday party! She’s not fifteen! Or eleven! If she’s under stress, FUCK THE BIRTHDAY PARTY!


[Photo by Klara Kim]


DJ Primo in action at the Verdi Club

Friday night’s dance gala at the Verdi Club was a blast. Events there are few and far between, so try not to miss out next time, alright?

More pics after the jump:
