What’s it like seeing Jonathan Richman at the Make-Out Room?

In case you haven’t already seen Jonathan Richman a million times at the Make-Out Room like the rest of us (he does multi-night residencies there on a pretty regular basis), Night Fog Reader has assembled a multi-part review of the most recent residency, which took place last week.

Saturday night back sweat

Explains reader Cole W.:

It was getting pretty hot and sweaty at the Knockout’s Booty Basement this last Saturday night.

I guess so. I thought I was damp after Oldies Night, but I guess Booty B. is a whole ‘nother story.

A hipster would never fuckin’ talk that way

Sorry about this, but some of the phrases uttered in this video — shot outside a bar ’round closing time on Saturday night — are just too cute not to share.

UPDATE: By popular demand, a transcript:

Boy: Yeah
Girl: You’re a fuckin’ asshole
Boy: Exactly
Girl: And a hipster would never fuckin’ talk that way
Boy: Hipsters do talk that way
Girl: They don’t
Boy: Hipsters are — have you read anything about us?
Girl: They don’t
Boy: We are fucking assholes
Girl: Oh, ’cause you’re so fuckin’ cool, right?
Boy: Exactly
Girl: You’re an asss
Boy: You are an ass
Girl: I’m not!

Girl: –as a cool kid
Boy: Cool kids are bad too
Girl: You’re a fuckin’ ass
Boy: Don’t limit your boyfriend
Girl: Tonight–
Boy: Sugar
Girl: I hope you put your head on the bed and–
Boy: Say something really nasty now
Girl: I’m not going to–
Boy: Try to
Girl: –because I’m a good person
Boy: Try, tryyy!
Girl: I’m not going to
Boy: Try. Feel the darkness coursing through you
Girl: I think you’re a bitch

Girl: You know what? None of this is angering me whatsoever
Boy: You know what? I’m totally zen, so that makes two of us, and we should totally shake on it and fuckin’ do Bikram.
Girl: Bikram?
Boy: Yeah, we don’t do that. I was just leading you on

They totally banged I bet.

Trouble in paradise

[Photo by Chris T.]

Medieval lute entrances the locals at 16th and Valencia

This fellow set up shop on the corner on both Saturday and Sunday this past weekend playing his amplified lute for all to hear.  The music seemed to captivate all who heard it, as passers-by would stop for a few moments to listen to the eerie progressions.  Rather than the go-to “Play some Skynyrd” that usually accompanies loosely-organized performances, inebriated patrons instead compelled to “Play some Greensleeves, bro!”

While not as furious as the Ferocious Few, for instance, you’ve got to hand it to this busker for his resilience.  Perhaps there’s a Renaissance Fair nearby where he can find his soul mate.  In the meantime, I’m gonna go and listen to some Dragon Warrior NES music.

UPDATE!!!! I am an “expert” at world music and this a West African Kora, not a medieval lute.

Mission Comics trying out graphic novel ‘rentals’

This could be cool: Mission Comics is offering credit for your used graphic novels in a new rental program. After all, who can afford to purchase 6 massive volumes of Akira just to find out you still don’t know what the fuck it’s about?

I would participate, but I keep all my comics in double-polybags with non-acidic backing boards in a humidity-controlled vault, so “reading them” is not really an option.

Get the details over at Mission Comics.

Who says Mission men aren’t direct?

There’s something to be said for being honest and up front about being a total creep.

[via lurkskatesf]

Mermaids: get out of our landmarks

The always-astute Mr. Eric Sir is not too happy that a scale replica of SF’s Palace of Fine Arts has been erected as Ariel’s digs, instead of it’s usual function as a wedding photo backdrop, meeting place for alcatraz escapees, and place to fall in love with alleged axe murderers:

Disney’s decision to commercialize a scale model of the Palace of Fine Arts must not be tolerated. This move is clearly a middle-finger to San Francisco, a city which is serious about protesting the commercialization of public property. But we do enjoy irony, which is why the Walt Disney Family Museum is located on public land.

Uh, can I get a “hell yeah”? Read on.

Speaking of “erected”, ever notice how many boners are on the Little Mermaid cover art?

Knockout gets KO’d

Someone must have been so amped to see DJ Avalos at Oldies Night tonight that they couldn’t bother with finding a parking space. Well, that and they also crazily reversed into the building and very nearly caused several instances of vehicular manslaughter. Of particular intrigue is the fact that no substances seemed to be involved.  No, this was sober driving at its worst.

According to our own Mike Chino who was one of those almost struck, “it came out of nowhere, very suddenly.” We’re very happy that Mike’s knees are still intact, and we implore the driver, who drove away 30 minutes later after a lengthy conversation with police, to please learn how to drive a car.


Pup in a pack