New parklet opens on 29th Street

A first for La Lengua. Bernalwood has the story:

Finishing touches and plants will be installed on the 30th when the Tiffany Avenue neighbors are celebrating theer one year anniversary of planting of the sidewalk gardens.  Then it will just be a matter of when the city installs the bike corral in the space close to the corner!

Read on for more background and more pictures.

Taliban soliciting support on Mission Street

Dudes, don’t fall for it. The Taliban is not cool. (They are probably in need of support though.)

[via Princess Whore]

More details after the jump:


Tree bandages

Let me explain to you why this is the cutist thing ever:

Last Thursday night/Friday morning, some severely confused/crazy woman allegedly noticed a person drop his keys near 22nd and Bartlett as he was fumbling them out of his pocket to unlock his car.  Before he could see where they fell, she snatched them up and waited as the befuddled would-be driver retraced his steps to see if he had left them somewhere behind.  Utilizing this moment of vulnerability, the woman opened the car, started it, and made her swift getaway–DOWN THE BARTLETT STREET SIDEWALK!

She wasn’t a very good driver and couldn’t quite navigate the narrow sidewalk, slamming back and forth into the trees that lined the walkway and the walls of the neighboring homes, obliterating the little sidewalk community garden that residents had planted there and maintained over the years.  When she finally slammed into a dumpster and realized she was stuck, she aborted the car theft and jumped out, attempting to escape on foot.  Congrats to our pal Tava for waking up from all the commotion and calling the police, who apprehended the woman shortly thereafter.

Now, back to the tree bandages.  The neighbors have been trying to save the garden and the trees that were injured during this attempted vehicular herbicide, and they’ve fashioned these adorable tree slings to help the little guys recover.  In the meantime, they’ve been working to replant the garden and re-erect the tiny fences that lined the sidewalk.  So much love for a neighborhood garden!  Get well soon!

Graffiti writers hit former Ace Cafe hard

Might this have been a political statement? Neighbors rallying in support of a beloved local watering hole whose lease on life ended a bit abruptly?

[via Squeaky Clean Dave]

Is the sequel superior to the original?

Another pup in a pack

Cuter than the last one? Tough to say.

[Photo by Kieran] [Happy, Laura?]

I may be crazy as fuck, but at least I’m not bored

[Thanks, Christopher!]

Training day

Steven of TCB Courier trains hard. This is why he’s the best.

SFPD tails angry mob chanting about SFPD

Saturday night on Valencia Street. An angry mob marches past waving banners and exclaiming that SFPD had killed someone that day. Patrol cars blocked traffic ahead of them, keeping them safe, and trailed along behind, along with some other serious hardware.

At one point, demonstrators stopped a paddy wagon in its tracks by lacing a big black monolith in its path:

Sorry for the blur, but here you can see a squad car full of police in full riot gear:

This guy brought up the rear, ready to batteram stuff out the way (although he handle that monolith business earlier — an officer exited a vehicle to move it by hand, speaking into his radio, ” We’ve got a big black monolith blocking our path”):

Then they rode off into the sunset, Valencia Street lit up like downtown Reno by the flashing lights of a dozen police vehicles:

UPDATE: SFist has details on the killing here.

Hot new look for summer: Drinking a mug of hot tea out front of a liquor store on Mission Street at 1:55AM