Make-Out Room installs creepy spy cam so creeps can spy on you while you’re drinking and dancing

Other area bars are participating too, but Make-Out seems to be the only one on the list that affects me, so…

East Bay Express has the scoop:

Founded by a handful of Sonoma County entrepreneurs, the app, BarSpace, and its related web site,, employ a simple concept: Install cameras in bars and nightclubs and then streams that video live through a free iPhone app, as well as through the company’s website. The cameras are installed and paid for by BarSpace; each bar decided the hours between which they’d like to transmit a video stream.

The idea, according to the company’s CEO, Mike Deignan, is that people can use the app to see whether bars are full or empty — or even whether their favorite bartender is working that night or what the dress code is. Essentially, BarSpace makes it possible to find out what you’re getting into, in real time and straight from the source — to gauge a bar’s atmosphere against your own expectations and inclinations, without ever leaving your home (or, in some cases, paying a cover). [link]

Noble intentions, I suppose. Still. I don’t know about this. I like to really cut loose at Lost & Found (AKA Slow Jams) every Tuesday and DJ Purple’s Karaoke Dance Party every fourth Monday. But I don’t like the idea of there being possibly compromising images of me on the internet.

UPDATE: Our pal Plumpy says, “The whole list is here if you search for San Francisco.”

[via We Built This City]

Safe new Dolores Park playground will leave area kids developmentally challenged?

The New York Times reports:

“Children need to encounter risks and overcome fears on the playground,” said Ellen Sandseter, a professor of psychology at Queen Maud University in Norway. “I think monkey bars and tall slides are great. As playgrounds become more and more boring, these are some of the few features that still can give children thrilling experiences with heights and high speed.”

We’re raising a generation of coddled wimps, people (except maybe our pal Elizabeth S., who lets her boys go to town on an uprooted, unstable, rusty piece of scrap metal — kudos, Elizabeth!) Read on. [via kottke]

I wanna live on Rerro Street!

[via tastr]

JOKE TIME: How did the hipster burn his mouth?

Thanks for thinking of us, Alissa!


And now, Cranky Old Mission Guy with the weather

From the radar of the meteorologically astute Cranky Old Mission Guy:

“Weather forecast: extremely low clouds!”

[Thanks, Cranky Old Mission Guy! And now...Andrew with sports?]

Oh there was a robbery and shooting near Dolores Park yesterday right before the big protest

KTVU reports:

The shooting was reported at about 2 p.m. Tuesday in an alley near the park, which is bounded by 18th and 20th streets and Dolores and Church streets.

The 22-year-old victim met a female who drove him to the alley, where two male suspects appeared and demanded money, according to police.

The man handed over cash to the suspects, who began to run away. The victim chased after them, at which point one of the suspects turned and fired at him, striking him once, police said.

The guy is alive. As of this morning, the suspects were still at large. Good thing the cops were busy staging an anti-riot operation. Read on. And watch your backs; this city is losing its mind.

[Photo by reader Brent G.]

Here’s what $1500 worth of barbecue looks like packed onto one little cargo bike

Again, TCB Courier — nuff said.

[via Mash SF]

Rule of thumb: Don’t leave home without an enormous Christmas portrait of you and your girlfriend

By all means, show it off on the street. Show it off around the office. Show it off on the bus, and in the park, and at happy hour. Show it off at dinner. And when some random on the sidewalk outside leans in to take your picture? Don’t be shy. Own it.

Merry Christmas, you two!

Braindead Dave has passed away, but perhaps Force of Habit Records will live on

It’s that sporadically open little record store on 20th Street, where you bought weird old records for cheap, and maybe a vintage lunchbox for a friend’s birthday, and maybe a new needle for your turntable. Its owner passed away recently, and his friends and family are trying to find a way to keep his legacy — the store — alive. All Shook Down tells the story:

​”Braindead” Dave Devereaux, owner of Force of Habit Records in the Mission, a small but passionately run shop specializing in rare punk rock, vinyl, and collectible toys, passed away this month of an unknown cause. He was 41.

Devereaux passed away on July 4 or 5 — paramedics found him dead in his apartment on July 5, and autopsies to determine the cause of death have proven inconclusive. For the last year and a half of his life, Devereaux suffered from gastroesophageal problems, according to family members and friends.

“Dave was one of that sort of vanishing species known as a ‘record geek,’” said Jello Biafra, former vocalist of the Dead Kennedys and regular customer at Devereaux’s shop. “Very passionate about music.”

Read on.

[via mmmmcakes]

Hot new look for summer: Dress to match your favorite MSG-heavy Asian snack food

Well done, Alexandra Sheehan!