Mission poster

Adrian Covert‘s awesome depiction of the Mission, with your favorite park highlighted. I’ve spent a lot of time drawing and painting the fronts of these buildings, but I like that in this piece most of the real buildings represented are depicted instead by their rooftops.

You can pick up prints at Fayes Video or Serendipity.

Fire between buildings

(pic by me)

Last night around 11pm a fire caught between the building that houses Cha Cha Cha and the one that holds Specchio on Mission Street.

(pic by Erika)

The two buildings are just a couple inches apart, so the firefighters seemed to have a difficult time making sure they fire was completely extinguished.

Shutting Down Mission Street
(pic by me)

They brought the hoses to the roof and sprayed down into the narrow space, which would send a vertical sheet of water out at the gawkers.

(pic by me)

There were a lot of gawkers (present company of course included), coming out of the bars, probably wanting any excuse to get away from creepy Marina bros in Dr. Teeth.

Fortunately it looked as if there was no serious damage to either of the buildings, and nobody was injured. Plus I got to hear some good lines from the fireman to some drunk ladies excited at seeing some real men in action on their night out.

Fireman: “So, what are you guys drinking tonight?”

Well, I guess you don’t really need a good line if you’re in a fireman uniform and holding a 3 foot ax.

Life on 24th Street

Photographer Beth LaBerge loves 24th Street. She walks up and down it, making friends, patronizing businesses — and taking pictures. This month, the fruits of her labors are up on the walls at the Blind Cat (formerly known as Dirty Thieves), and this Saturday there’s a gala opening.

Tons of photos will be on display, depicting tons of scenes from every inch of 24th Street. Hell, you might even be the subject of one of them!

Drinks will be flowing, music will be playing, Beth might take your picture, and Rocky Yazzie will be frying up Navajo frybread out front.

RSVP and invite your friends here.

Bid adieu to Haight Street’s historic Red Vic Movie House with farewell screenings of ‘Harold and Maude’ all weekend long

Here’s the deal:

Celebrate the Red Vic’s 31st birthday with one of our most popular films ever. Director Hal Ashby (Being ThereShampoo) takes jabs at motherhood, the military, psychiatry, computer dating, patriotic fever and funerals in probably the most charming movie about death ever made. Much of this modern love story takes place in the Bay Area, and settings include the Sutro Baths, the Marin Headlands and the Emeryville mudflats. Morbid 19-year-old Harold drives a Jaguar converted into a hearse, stages one suicide after another and frequents cemeteries. Ruth Gordon steals the show as the exuberant 79-year-old Maude who teaches him to appreciate life. Playfully grim, this is black comedy at its finest. Starring Bud Cort, Ruth Gordon and Vivian Pickles, and featuring the music of Cat Stevens. A special birthday treat will be given out at evening screenings on Monday as a thanks to all our patrons for years of support.(92m)

Get advance tickets here. (And pray we never have to post a similar item about the Roxie.)

[Image by Hannah]

Late-night bacon-wrapped chicken and waffle pop-up shop

At 18th and Mission (inside the Corner), Thursday through Saturday nights, 11PM-3AM. Damn.

SF Weekly reports:

​It’s a weekend night, and you’ve been drinking in the Mission for hours. Despite this, you feel an unusual sensation of emptiness. Is it your career? Did you forget to have children?

NO! You’re just hungry. Whew.

You could have a burrito, the official late-night food of the Mission, but you want something less healthy.

The Soul Groove Chicken and Waffle Sandwich Pop-Up shop is for you.

The sandwich: boneless, bacon-wrapped chicken that is buttermilk-fried and served on maple waffles with a spicy maple barbecue sauce. [link]


(Thanks, Jamie Jams!)

Fog and Laser is back!

If you want to tell your friends what you’re doing this Saturday night, just make the above hand motion and say, “FOG AND LASER.” Or just make one of those crazy faces.

And why are you going to Fog and Laser exactly? Because FOG and LASER:

Still not convinced? Well then nothing will likely convince you. But this video will at least give you more of a sense of what to expect:

Here are all the details:

Fog & Laser #2 w/ Special Guest ‘Little Wings’

Join us for Fog & Laser #2! An indie/electro dance party extravaganza powered by fog machines and laser beams! Visuals by Xavier! + Laser Portraits and more!

All Ages!

$7 for 21+ / $10 for under 21

Whoa! Little Wings too? What’s that gonna be like? I bet it’s gonna be NUTS. I mean, Kyle and Denny together are almost as good as fog and lasers together:

Fog, lasers, Kyle AND Denny? This is going to be quite a party.

RSVP and invite your friends here.

Read our review of Fog & Laser #1 is here.

Scooter skitch

What a great way to see GGP!

[via Nice Tweed Jacket]

20th Street is a total shit show

From Bryant to South Van Ness. Avoid at all costs. Lots of cross streets too. Just stay in the park. (Can’t wait to glide along the smooth new surface though.)

Pole dancing on BART

All the way from MacArthur to 24th Street!

Why is Guido Jesus back in the news?

First we noticed that a 2-year-old post about Guido Jesus was dominating our Top Ten:

Our stats indicated nothing helpful, so we took some screenshots and did a post on our official Tumblr (which was quite active today despite the main blog being pretty dead). Then we mentioned that Tumblr post on our Facebook wall, at which point reader Elias Perez came to the rescue:

Seems there’s a meme out there involving a completely unrelated instance of Guido Jesus. It’s okay. Here are some highlights (via Funny or Die):

Not bad.

Nevertheless, we are still the #1 search result:

God bless this mess.